G20 Bali Summit with Ilham Habibie and Ulka Kelkar

Show notes

G20 countries are responsible for more than 80% of global greenhouse gas emissions and must show leadership in combating climate change. But with war in Ukraine and other geopolitical tensions, will this year’s G20 summit in Bali, Indonesia, deliver the action we need on the climate, biodiversity, and energy crises? We dive into what tangible steps global leaders could take, at the G20 Bali summit and beyond.

Guests: Ilham Habibie (F20 Co-Chair and co-founder and Chairman of Board of Trustees of The Habibie Center) and Ulka Kelkar (Director, Climate program, World Resources Institute India)

For feedback, critic and speaker suggestions etc. please write us at info@foundations-20.org

https://futureoffood.org/ https://www.foundations-20.org/

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